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TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers


About Us


The Higher Education Consortium TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) are federally funded to provide FREE advising and information on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of post-secondary 

education. The EOC also provides services to improve the financial and economic literacy of participants to include advising participants on financial aid options, including basic financial planning skills, and assisting with applying for financial aid.  The goal of the EOC program is to increase college and financial aid access for adults who desire to enroll in a program of post-secondary education. 


EOC Mission

The purpose of the Higher Education Consortium TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC) Program is to provide information regarding financial and academic assistance available to individuals who desire to pursue a program of post-secondary education; provide assistance to individuals in applying for admission to institutions that offer programs of post-secondary education, including assistance in preparing necessary applications for use by admissions and financial aid officers; and provide information regarding financial and economic literacy to participants.


You Are Education Material

Someone may have told you that "college isn't for everyone" implying that it wasn't for you or that you weren't college material. Well guess what - they might be right. Traditional "college" may not be right for everyone, but everyone has a right to higher education. Higher education is simply education beyond high school. Another way to say it is education after secondary education or post-secondary education. You ARE higher education material. What are your career goals? You can choose your own post-secondary education path to reach your personal career goals.

Schedule a Meeting
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We will reach out to you within 24 hours to confirm a date and time.

Contact Us

Will Smith

Program Director

TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers

4236 Lindell Blvd. Suite 400

St. Louis, MO 63108

Mobile: 314-901-1828

Fax: 314.535.8830


Office Hours: 8:30a - 5:00p


Connect With Us

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  • Program Services
    Middle School Services Enrichment and character-building Interactive sessions on College Readiness and Career Development Academic Development and Coaching Prepare for high school transition through summer enrichment program (8th graders) Educational activities that enhance learning and sharpen skills Field trips and college tours that develop college mindset High School Services Developing Skills to Help Improve Grades Interest Inventory and Career Identification "Right Fit" for College College Tours and Visits Assistance with Admissions Applications FAFSA Completion and Scholarship Searches ​ACT PREP
  • Eligibility
    The TRiO Educational Talent Search program sponsored by the Higher Educational Consortium of Greater St. Louis is a federally funded pre-collegiate program that helps students gain access to college. Most of our students: Attend St. Louis Public Schools Are city residents Are potentially first in their family to go to college Have low-moderate income Would you like for your child to have greater exposure to new educational experiences and improved access to education beyond high school?​Take a moment right now to complete our application. It's FREE!
  • Areas/Schools Served
    St. Louis Public Schools Target Area Schools: Carr Lane Middle School Compton Drew Middle School Gateway Middle School Gateway STEM High School Clyde C. Miller Career Academy Sumner High School Vashon High School Soldan International Studies High School

Program Outcomes

Secondary School Diplomas Earned
Financial Aid
Applications Completed
Education Admissions Applications Completed
Postsecondary Enrollments
Participants Served
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